[Ltsp-discuss] ltsp-cluster installation
BOTZ Franck (Administrateur Systèmes et Réseaux) - DDT 67/SIDSIC/Pôle Infra
2015-02-07 15:06:28 UTC
Hi !

Sorry for my english :-S I'm french.

I have a project to deploy ltsp-cluster at office.

For the test project I have 30 HP T610 compatible with 64 bits distribution.

I hope it was possible to install ltsp-cluster in ubuntu 14.04 LTS.

My tests are fine. It was possible to install ltsp-server, build a
chroot, boot a terminal and open a session over winbind
authentification. Everthing works and work very well !

Now it's time to go to build a cluster.

What I have do :
* install a ubuntu server 14.04 64 bits edition as root server
* ltsp-server
* ltsp-cluster-controlcenter
* ltsp-cluster-lbserver
* lbsconfig.xml the application server
* build a chroot with ltsp-build-image --ltsp-cluster --prompt-rootpass
* CC_SERVER=IP of ConrolCenter (the root server)
* no ldm for the moment

* install a ubuntu desktop 14.04 64 bits edition as application server
* ltsp-server
* ltsp-cluster-lbagent
* ltsp-cluster-accountmanager
* no ldm for the moment

I don't really understand how the different parts of the cluster
works. Is it possible to get a schema that explain all the structure ?

In accountmanager.conf, there is a "key" line. What is this key ?
Where can I find it or create it ?

When I boot up my thin-client :
* I saw it in controlcenter. But in the application server fields
there is Why ?
* My thin client hangs on boot. I saw session.d permission error.

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