[Ltsp-discuss] cheap access point setup, $6 , could be used with ltsp. rtl8188cusap
Barry R Cisna
2015-01-31 14:58:46 UTC
Hello All,

Just thought this may be of interest to someone out there. Put together
a driver package that includes hostapd,for the cheap Realtek rtl8188cus
usb mini dongle that will allow the wifi unit to run in master mode
(access point).

Have tested for 3 weeks now and works very reliably and coverage is just
as good as any other G or N series Access Point.
These little usb mini dongles can be bought on Ebay for $6 shipped.

They do actually connect at 150mbs also.
These can also be run in 5GHZ mode with the 5G hostapd.conf file in the
archive file
In the documentation it shows it can run as both an AP and a station,two
device at same time.I never tried this.

This is just the Realtek driver package stripped down with convenient
install scripts to do everything easily.

Hope this may be handy for someone.


Take Care,

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