[Ltsp-discuss] LDAP Users dont have all folders
Funke, Martin
2015-06-10 07:47:57 UTC
Hello list,

im using a xubuntu 14.04 with ltsp 5.5.1 pnp.

On the server I configured a ldap authentication which works so far good. If I login on my local server I get all my folders all, software, groups and so on.

When I boot a client and log in I only get me own home folder but folders like all, software and groups as well as the rest don’t appear.

Only if I connect these folders manually I have access to them.

In the lts.conf I added FSTAB_0=” /home nfs defaults 0 0”.

The Server has in the fstab /home nfs defaults 0 0.

Does anyone know why I only get my home folder on clients but on the server I get every folder I should get?

Best regards
Funke, Martin
2015-06-12 06:22:43 UTC

sorry that I ask stupid questions but I solved it by myself. Sometimes its enough to write FSTAB_0=” /home nfs defaults 0 0” in the right line in lts.conf.

Von: Funke, Martin [mailto:***@olpe.de]
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 10. Juni 2015 09:48
An: 'LTSP (ltsp-***@lists.sourceforge.net)'
Betreff: [Ltsp-discuss] LDAP Users dont have all folders
Wichtigkeit: Hoch

Hello list,

im using a xubuntu 14.04 with ltsp 5.5.1 pnp.

On the server I configured a ldap authentication which works so far good. If I login on my local server I get all my folders all, software, groups and so on.

When I boot a client and log in I only get me own home folder but folders like all, software and groups as well as the rest don’t appear.

Only if I connect these folders manually I have access to them.

In the lts.conf I added FSTAB_0=” /home nfs defaults 0 0”.

The Server has in the fstab /home nfs defaults 0 0.

Does anyone know why I only get my home folder on clients but on the server I get every folder I should get?

Best regards
