[Ltsp-discuss] Info lists on Epoptes?
David Groos
2016-08-26 16:01:05 UTC
Anyone know if there is a way to get a spreadsheet of the info that pops up
when selecting a client and right-clicking and selecting the 'Information'
option? This would be a great tool for start of the year setup eg checking
amt of ram on new clients, get mac address for creating the list of devices
to add to lts.conf to allow for WOL.

Now that would be nice, run a script that creates a properly formatted text
file w/MAC # and a place holder where one could enter in client specific
info for copy/paste into the lts.conf. Or better yet, on the (suggested)
spreadsheet that gives the info on the selected clients, include a column
for an administrator-defined client name, then press some button and that
info is placed into the lts.conf file, properly placed and formatted :-)
Just brainstorming here...

