[Ltsp-discuss] Ubuntu 14.04 pnp with freerdp
Funke, Martin
2016-12-01 08:06:20 UTC

for quite some time I’m using the LTSP in many schools. In my case im using it as a base for xfreerdp to connect to a windows Terminalserver (2012R2).

For screen_07 in config i have xfreerdp /f /sec:rdp /v:SERVERIP.

Is someone running a similar scenario? I’m still searching for a way to redirect USB devices like LEGO Mindstorms and a way if possible to take advantage of the local client hardware to run Youtube and so on smoother.

Thx in advance and have a nice day
Мокрозуб В.А.
2016-12-01 09:21:26 UTC
Hello, Martin,

are you clients thin or fat? If you need local devices I suggest fat-client setup because it's easier to configure and debug.

For usb redirection use /usb option of xfreerdp:


However there're a lot of issues with USB redirection over freerdp, there is a big chance that it won't work at all if you use version from Ubuntu repository, in which case you will have to build freerdp from sources.

As of video performance with RDP you can try enabling RemoteFX on Windows Server and use /rfx option of freerdp.



From: Funke, Martin [mailto:***@olpe.de]
Sent: Thursday, December 01, 2016 11:06 AM
To: 'LTSP (ltsp-***@lists.sourceforge.net)'
Subject: [Ltsp-discuss] Ubuntu 14.04 pnp with freerdp
Importance: High


for quite some time I’m using the LTSP in many schools. In my case im using it as a base for xfreerdp to connect to a windows Terminalserver (2012R2).

For screen_07 in config i have xfreerdp /f /sec:rdp /v:SERVERIP.

Is someone running a similar scenario? I’m still searching for a way to redirect USB devices like LEGO Mindstorms and a way if possible to take advantage of the local client hardware to run Youtube and so on smoother.

Thx in advance and have a nice day

Funke, Martin
2016-12-02 11:01:02 UTC
Hello Vladimir,

in my config every client is running as a fat client.

As far as I know remotefx is only working in Windows Ultimate versions and you need it as a hyper-V virtual PC.

But I’m using Windows 2012R2 as a Terminalerver / RDS.

Best regards

Von: МПкрПзуб В.А. [mailto:***@itc.tambov.gov.ru]
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 1. Dezember 2016 10:21
An: ltsp-***@lists.sourceforge.net
Betreff: Re: [Ltsp-discuss] Ubuntu 14.04 pnp with freerdp

Hello, Martin,

are you clients thin or fat? If you need local devices I suggest fat-client setup because it's easier to configure and debug.

For usb redirection use /usb option of xfreerdp:


However there're a lot of issues with USB redirection over freerdp, there is a big chance that it won't work at all if you use version from Ubuntu repository, in which case you will have to build freerdp from sources.

As of video performance with RDP you can try enabling RemoteFX on Windows Server and use /rfx option of freerdp.


From: Funke, Martin [mailto:***@olpe.de]
Sent: Thursday, December 01, 2016 11:06 AM
To: 'LTSP (ltsp-***@lists.sourceforge.net<mailto:ltsp-***@lists.sourceforge.net>)'
Subject: [Ltsp-discuss] Ubuntu 14.04 pnp with freerdp
Importance: High


for quite some time I’m using the LTSP in many schools. In my case im using it as a base for xfreerdp to connect to a windows Terminalserver (2012R2).

For screen_07 in config i have xfreerdp /f /sec:rdp /v:SERVERIP.

Is someone running a similar scenario? I’m still searching for a way to redirect USB devices like LEGO Mindstorms and a way if possible to take advantage of the local client hardware to run Youtube and so on smoother.

Thx in advance and have a nice day
Мокрозуб В.А.
2016-12-02 12:31:17 UTC
You need neither Windows Ultimate nor Hyper-V to enable RemoteFX.

Windows Server 2012 natively supports RemoteFX, you need only to set 32-bit color mode on your server in Group Policy.

Please read here: https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ff817594%28v=ws.10%29.aspx

For FreeRDP help I encourage you to visit #freerdp channel on http://webchat.freenode.net/



From: Funke, Martin [mailto:***@olpe.de]
Sent: Friday, December 02, 2016 2:01 PM
To: 'ltsp-***@lists.sourceforge.net'
Subject: Re: [Ltsp-discuss] Ubuntu 14.04 pnp with freerdp
Importance: High

Hello Vladimir,

in my config every client is running as a fat client.

As far as I know remotefx is only working in Windows Ultimate versions and you need it as a hyper-V virtual PC.

But I’m using Windows 2012R2 as a Terminalerver / RDS.

Best regards


Von: МПкрПзуб В.А. [mailto:***@itc.tambov.gov.ru]
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 1. Dezember 2016 10:21
An: ltsp-***@lists.sourceforge.net
Betreff: Re: [Ltsp-discuss] Ubuntu 14.04 pnp with freerdp

Hello, Martin,

are you clients thin or fat? If you need local devices I suggest fat-client setup because it's easier to configure and debug.

For usb redirection use /usb option of xfreerdp:


However there're a lot of issues with USB redirection over freerdp, there is a big chance that it won't work at all if you use version from Ubuntu repository, in which case you will have to build freerdp from sources.

As of video performance with RDP you can try enabling RemoteFX on Windows Server and use /rfx option of freerdp.



From: Funke, Martin [mailto:***@olpe.de]
Sent: Thursday, December 01, 2016 11:06 AM
To: 'LTSP (ltsp-***@lists.sourceforge.net)'
Subject: [Ltsp-discuss] Ubuntu 14.04 pnp with freerdp
Importance: High


for quite some time I’m using the LTSP in many schools. In my case im using it as a base for xfreerdp to connect to a windows Terminalserver (2012R2).

For screen_07 in config i have xfreerdp /f /sec:rdp /v:SERVERIP.

Is someone running a similar scenario? I’m still searching for a way to redirect USB devices like LEGO Mindstorms and a way if possible to take advantage of the local client hardware to run Youtube and so on smoother.

Thx in advance and have a nice day

