[Ltsp-discuss] Adding a menu at startup
Ivaylo Ganchev
2015-03-10 13:11:02 UTC

I have a couple of classrooms administered with LTSP. For one of them, I
would need to give a choice between more than one image at startup.

Is there a proper way to do that ? I looked at the
/srv/tftp/ltsp/i386/pxelinux.cfg/default config file and I think I can
tinker it a bit to fit my needs. Just wanted to ask is there a "canonical"
way to do this.


Ivaylo Ganchev
System and network administrator
University of Paris 8
Tel: 01 49 40 64 08
E-mail: ***@univ-paris8.fr

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Vagrant Cascadian
2015-03-10 15:43:45 UTC
On 2015-03-10, Ivaylo Ganchev wrote:
> I have a couple of classrooms administered with LTSP. For one of them, I
> would need to give a choice between more than one image at startup.
> Is there a proper way to do that ? I looked at the
> /srv/tftp/ltsp/i386/pxelinux.cfg/default config file and I think I can
> tinker it a bit to fit my needs. Just wanted to ask is there a "canonical"
> way to do this.

I'd recommend creating your pxelinux configs at the top-level tftp
dir(/srv/tftp), and copying all the relevent pxelinux.0 and other helper
files there. The create a /srv/tftp/pxelinux.cfg/default that uses the
kernel/initrd from /ltsp/* for each entry.

The tftp files at TFTPDIR/ltsp/* get autogenerated, and may clobber your
changes. While you can remove the pxelinux.cfg/default symlink in newer
versions and then edit pxelinux.cfg/default, it may be difficult to
select different images if they use a different kernel and/or initrd for
different images.

Good luck!

live well,
Short, Kermit
2015-03-10 21:55:20 UTC
You may also consider looking a iPXE (ipxe.org). This allows you to create fairly robust menu systems.
Kermit Short

From: Vagrant Cascadian [***@debian.org]
Sent: Tuesday, March 10, 2015 9:43 AM
To: Ivaylo Ganchev; ltsp-***@lists.sourceforge.net
Cc: ***@univ-paris8.fr
Subject: Re: [Ltsp-discuss] Adding a menu at startup

On 2015-03-10, Ivaylo Ganchev wrote:
> I have a couple of classrooms administered with LTSP. For one of them, I
> would need to give a choice between more than one image at startup.
> Is there a proper way to do that ? I looked at the
> /srv/tftp/ltsp/i386/pxelinux.cfg/default config file and I think I can
> tinker it a bit to fit my needs. Just wanted to ask is there a "canonical"
> way to do this.

I'd recommend creating your pxelinux configs at the top-level tftp
dir(/srv/tftp), and copying all the relevent pxelinux.0 and other helper
files there. The create a /srv/tftp/pxelinux.cfg/default that uses the
kernel/initrd from /ltsp/* for each entry.

The tftp files at TFTPDIR/ltsp/* get autogenerated, and may clobber your
changes. While you can remove the pxelinux.cfg/default symlink in newer
versions and then edit pxelinux.cfg/default, it may be difficult to
select different images if they use a different kernel and/or initrd for
different images.

Good luck!

live well,

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