[Ltsp-discuss] remote app support in firefox
Jan Kowalsky
2016-09-08 09:44:28 UTC
Hi all,

in newer ltsp versions the remote app support has improved a lot. Whith
the ltsp-open script and xdg-open we do not hack anymore these things by

But two things do not work on my setup (debian jessie, ltsp-server 5.5.4-4):

:: First: How to change the default applications (via xdg-mime)

Since there is a little absurd default configuration in recent debian
desktops to open pdf-documents with gimp per default we have to change
it to atril (on mate).

We can do this in changing the /usr/share/applications/mimeinfo.cache:

But for not getting overwritten by newly installed programms it makes
more sense to store this information in

xdg-open (on the server) respects this settings.

But ltsp-remoteapps xdg-open ~/file.pdf doesn't. It only respects
settings in /usr/share/applications/mimeinfo.cache.

:: Second: Firfox ignores settings for PDF

While a (local) firefox uses ltsp-open for all known mime-types
(pictures, open documents) it doesn't for pdf Documents.

I don't know, where firefox takes this information from - it should read
the /usr/lib/mime/packages/ltsp which is created by
/usr/share/ldm/rc.d/X01-remoteapps in chroot. On the local clients I can
see, that there the application for pdf is also set to ltsp-open.

But why the mime type for pdf is handled different to other mime-types
from firefox?

And a last question: Where does the script gehts its variable


if [ -n "${REMOTE_APPS_MIME_PACKAGES}" ]; then
local oldifs="${IFS-not set}"
for item in ${REMOTE_APPS_MIME_PACKAGES}; do
# replace all the command field of the file with ltsp-open %s,
sed -e 's/^\([^;]*\);\([^;]*\)/\1; ltsp-open %s/' -e
's/\(compose\|composetype\|edit\|print\)=[^;]*/\1=ltsp-open %s/g' -e
's/\(priority\)=[0-9]/\1=9/' ${TMP_MAILCAP_DIR}/$item >>
rm ${TMP_MAILCAP_DIR}/$item || true
test "$oldifs" = "not set" && unset IFS || IFS="$oldifs"


Anybody knows?

Best Regards
