[Ltsp-discuss] good method of shuting down client when idle
Lars Madsen
2015-02-06 15:17:44 UTC
Because of the strange NBD hickups we are experiencing, where LDM some times freezes after some time, i've added a cron job which looks for any ssh process running on the client. If there are none, it looks at the age of the ldm process. If that is old enough, zenity is used to give a count down (just in case someone was locking in at the this very moment. Once timed out, I use shutdown -h 0 to shut it down.

But is that the same method LDM uses when we ask the client to shut down via the LDM interface.

My reason for asking is that I observe clients that after a shutdown -h 0, is now unresponsive but the power button is still on, this confuses the users.

So several times a day I have to manually shut down these clients.

Any ideas?

Generally I have to say that this LTSP5 setup have been very unstable compared to our old LTSP 4.2 setup over NFS.

/Lars Madsen
Institut for Matematik / Department of Mathematics
Aarhus Universitet / Aarhus University
Mere info: http://au.dk/***@imf / More information: http://au.dk/en/***@imf

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Vagrant Cascadian
2015-03-13 19:12:46 UTC
On 2015-02-06, Lars Madsen wrote:
> Because of the strange NBD hickups we are experiencing, where LDM some
> times freezes after some time

Wow, that's really unfortunate that you're experiencing that
problem. Not sure what's different with your setup and the many other
installs that don't seem to experience this issue... would probably be
good to file a bug report on launchpad to track the issue:


> i've added a cron job which looks for any ssh process running on the
> client. If there are none, it looks at the age of the ldm process. If
> that is old enough, zenity is used to give a count down (just in case
> someone was locking in at the this very moment. Once timed out, I use
> shutdown -h 0 to shut it down.
> But is that the same method LDM uses when we ask the client to shut
> down via the LDM interface.

No, LDM uses /sbin/poweroff, which actually should fully power the
system off, barring issues with NBD...

Good luck!

live well,
Lars Madsen
2015-03-16 08:05:22 UTC
I think it is a bit hard to file a bug report on something as stange as this. Other that filing a bug under: random crashes....

I think we have the login screen a bit under control by automatically powering down after login screen idle for 20min.

But I'm still finding terminals that are unresponsive, all lights on keyboard blinking

If I'm lucky the screen is filled with

SQUASHFS error: Unable to read page/data

I'm guessing we lost connection to the NBD image.

I think some users have problems with the terminals freezing up on them. They just reboot. But it really should be more stable.

I'm considering going back to NFS, which our solidly stable 4.2 system was using.

But are there any guides on how we switch from NBD til NFS?

/Lars Madsen
Institut for Matematik / Department of Mathematics
Aarhus Universitet / Aarhus University
Mere info: http://au.dk/***@imf / More information: http://au.dk/en/***@imf

From: Vagrant Cascadian [***@debian.org]
Sent: 13 March 2015 20:12
To: ltsp-***@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: Re: [Ltsp-discuss] good method of shuting down client when idle

On 2015-02-06, Lars Madsen wrote:
> Because of the strange NBD hickups we are experiencing, where LDM some
> times freezes after some time

Wow, that's really unfortunate that you're experiencing that
problem. Not sure what's different with your setup and the many other
installs that don't seem to experience this issue... would probably be
good to file a bug report on launchpad to track the issue:


> i've added a cron job which looks for any ssh process running on the
> client. If there are none, it looks at the age of the ldm process. If
> that is old enough, zenity is used to give a count down (just in case
> someone was locking in at the this very moment. Once timed out, I use
> shutdown -h 0 to shut it down.
> But is that the same method LDM uses when we ask the client to shut
> down via the LDM interface.

No, LDM uses /sbin/poweroff, which actually should fully power the
system off, barring issues with NBD...

Good luck!

live well,

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