Hi Mike,
I'd like to see those scripts as well if you don't mind.
I've hit some X11 driver bugs with RHEL6 as the LTSP xorg server.
I've been using RHEL6 to to the DHCP and /usr filesystems for LTSP.
But I've always set the LDM_SERVER (and SSH_HOST) in lts.conf to a
Fedora (currently 22) server.
I think I have to move the RHEL6 to Ubuntu to get more up to date
drivers for some newer workstations (that dual boot Win/LTSP).
On 11 February 2015 at 10:27, Mike Cammilleri <***@stat.wisc.edu> wrote:
> We install LTSP on Ubuntu as normal but replace the ldm login screen with
> our own bash login script. The user selects a RHEL6 server to sign into and
> then the X session launches on a separate rhel 6 box and the Ubuntu LTSP
> server no longer serves a purpose. I can provide the details of how we do
> this off list if it sounds helpful. There are a few hacks involved but
> nothing major.
> On Tue, Feb 10, 2015 at 4:50 PM, William Fragakis <***@fragakis.com>
> wrote:
> Kermit,
> Unless you build the ltsp package on your own, LTSP is pretty broken on
> EL6 (or 7 for that matter). Anything in any repository is old . It's
> caused consterrnation among many of us who've been using EL/Fedora for a
> long time. Probably not what you want to hear.
> If you must be on EL, the server bits still install and you can use a
> client image built on a different distro, e.g. Debian.
> The latest,er, last, server rpms are here (afaik):
> http://repo.inode0.com/repo/ltsp/rpm2/el6/
> Good luck,
> William
>> Message: 2
>> Date: Tue, 10 Feb 2015 02:48:45 +0000
>> From: "Short, Kermit" <***@lanl.gov>
>> Subject: [Ltsp-discuss] LTSP on RHEL6
>> To: "ltsp-***@lists.sourceforge.net"
>> <ltsp-***@lists.sourceforge.net>
>> Message-ID:
>> <***@ECS-EXG-P-MB05.win.lanl.gov>
>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
>> Greetings!
>> I've got a fairly straightforward RHEL environment except for two
>> things:
>> 1) We get all packages (including stuff from the EPEL) from an
>> internal satellite server
>> 2) We are behind an http proxy.
>> I believe number 2 is causing me problems when I try to run
>> ltsp-build-client, and I cannot find any switch or option for specifying a
>> proxy host for this command. I have tried setting the shell environment
>> variables for http_proxy and https_proxy, but ltsp-build-client seems to
>> ignore this.
>> I'm fairly certain we could provide all the packages the script needs,
>> but I don't know how to tell it to use the server instead of trying to
>> download things from the CentOS mirrors. Has anyone ever successfully
>> installed an LTSP server behind a proxy on RHEL or from a satellite server?
>> Thanks!
>> --
>> Kermit Short
>> Los Alamos National Laboratory
>> ---
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