[Ltsp-discuss] Dim screen when inactive - not working anymore
W Forum W
2014-12-02 15:37:10 UTC

We are using ltsp 5.5.4 (from jessie) with fat client configuration
We try to use 'Dim screen when inactive' but it doesn't work
In wheezy it was working fine
Any ideas why or where to look?

Many thanks

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Vagrant Cascadian
2014-12-02 16:51:27 UTC
Post by W Forum W
We are using ltsp 5.5.4 (from jessie) with fat client configuration
We try to use 'Dim screen when inactive' but it doesn't work
In wheezy it was working fine
Any ideas why or where to look?
This doesn't sound like an LTSP feature; I presume this is a feature of
the desktop environment you're running... possibly checking the
documentation or bugs reports for the desktop environment might be
helpful. Can you test if the feature works on non-LTSP installations
(ideally on the same hardware)?

live well,
W Forum W
2014-12-02 20:18:18 UTC
Yes it works on non-ltsp installations and it worked also on ltsp 5.4.2
(from wheezy)
We are using gnome 3.14
