[Ltsp-discuss] problem with starting program moneyplex on LTSP-Client under xenial 16.4
Frank Heuser
2016-06-28 17:47:19 UTC
I installed a xenial 16.4 LTSP-Server with XFCE. Most programs seem to
work. But I have problems with moneyplex (a homebanking software). It
worked flawless in LTSP under lucid 10.4 with gnome2. There I started it
with local ltsp-localapps, because of the usb-card-terminal.

Under xenial 16.4 the program starts (wether direct on the server or
local with ltsp-localapps) with an grey-filled window and "sticks".

Starting the program on terminal (xterm) I get these messages (I left
the messages which are the same in case of successful start):

TApplication.HandleException Access violation
Stack trace:

The main window and a dialogbox opens, but completly grey.

After clicking windows-close X:
WARNING: TLCLComponent.Destroy with LCLRefCount>0. Hint: Maybe the
component is processing an event?

Its the same behaviour "direct" logged in on a LTSP-Client xenial 16.4.
or by ssh -X from this client to the LTSP-server.

Moneyplex starts successfully direct on the server. (Access by rdp:
rdesktop - virtualboxserver)
Even so logged in by rdp on server and starting by ssh -X to the Server.

Start of moneyplex is successful:
By ssh -X from a normal installed 14.04 trusty.
By ssh -X from a booted trial-cd 16.04 xenial in virtualbox. (As
By ssh -X from LTSP-Client with lucid 10.4.

The problem seems to be somewhere in the X-Server on the clients. How
can I fix the problem or troubleshoot it?

Thanks for any help!

Frank Heuser
Wilfried Schmidt Maschinenbau Tel. (+49) 7071 38870
Aixer Strasse 44 Fax. (+49) 7071 38876
D-72072 Tuebingen email ***@nabendynamo.de
Germany http://www.nabendynamo.de

Attend Shape: An AT&T Tech Expo July 15-16. Meet us at AT&T Park in San
Francisco, CA to explore cutting-edge tech and listen to tech luminaries
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Frank Heuser
2016-06-30 16:39:37 UTC
Post by Frank Heuser
I installed a xenial 16.4 LTSP-Server with XFCE. Most programs seem to
work. But I have problems with moneyplex (a homebanking software). It
worked flawless in LTSP under lucid 10.4 with gnome2. There I started it
with local ltsp-localapps, because of the usb-card-terminal.
Under xenial 16.4 the program starts (wether direct on the server or
local with ltsp-localapps) with an grey-filled window and "sticks".
Starting the program on terminal (xterm) I get these messages (I left
TApplication.HandleException Access violation
The main window and a dialogbox opens, but completly grey.
WARNING: TLCLComponent.Destroy with LCLRefCount>0. Hint: Maybe the
component is processing an event?
Its the same behaviour "direct" logged in on a LTSP-Client xenial 16.4.
or by ssh -X from this client to the LTSP-server.
rdesktop - virtualboxserver)
Even so logged in by rdp on server and starting by ssh -X to the Server.
By ssh -X from a normal installed 14.04 trusty.
By ssh -X from a booted trial-cd 16.04 xenial in virtualbox. (As
By ssh -X from LTSP-Client with lucid 10.4.
The problem seems to be somewhere in the X-Server on the clients. How
can I fix the problem or troubleshoot it?
Thanks for any help!
Frank Heuser
To solve the problem I took identical VMs for server and thin client in
virtualbox. So there shouldn't be a hardware problem.

Searching, what's the difference between the servers Xserver and the
clients Xserver I had the suspicion: It's the color resolution:

So adding:
to lts.conf did the trick. moneyplex seems to need it.
Wilfried Schmidt Maschinenbau Tel. (+49) 7071 38870
Aixer Strasse 44 Fax. (+49) 7071 38876
D-72072 Tuebingen email ***@nabendynamo.de
Germany http://www.nabendynamo.de

Attend Shape: An AT&T Tech Expo July 15-16. Meet us at AT&T Park in San
Francisco, CA to explore cutting-edge tech and listen to tech luminaries
present their vision of the future. This family event has something for
everyone, including kids. Get more information and register today.
Ltsp-discuss mailing list. To un-subscribe, or change prefs, goto:
For additional LTSP help, try #ltsp channel on irc.freenode.net
Vagrant Cascadian
2016-08-11 03:44:53 UTC
Post by Frank Heuser
Post by Frank Heuser
I installed a xenial 16.4 LTSP-Server with XFCE. Most programs seem to
work. But I have problems with moneyplex (a homebanking software). It
worked flawless in LTSP under lucid 10.4 with gnome2. There I started it
with local ltsp-localapps, because of the usb-card-terminal.
Under xenial 16.4 the program starts (wether direct on the server or
local with ltsp-localapps) with an grey-filled window and "sticks".
Post by Frank Heuser
To solve the problem I took identical VMs for server and thin client in
virtualbox. So there shouldn't be a hardware problem.
Searching, what's the difference between the servers Xserver and the
to lts.conf did the trick. moneyplex seems to need it.
I question weather we should force a default color depth, instead just
let the clients use the best color depth available. For thin clients,
16-bit vs. 24-bit color depth is a huge bandwidth savings; in theory,
applications should work fine with 16-bit color, but bugs in
applications and libraries result in ugly rendering, or sometimes even
break entirely, as you observed.

In those cases, I'd suggest setting:


This lets the video driver always determine what color depth to use. I'd
be inclined to make it default to that...

live well,
Alkis Georgopoulos
2016-08-11 06:17:47 UTC
Post by Vagrant Cascadian
This lets the video driver always determine what color depth to use. I'd
be inclined to make it default to that...
The default pixmap format nowadays is almost always 32bpp.
That means that it needs double the bandwidth of 16bpp.
For example, if a thin client would show 16 fps in windowed youtube
with X_SMART_COLOR_DEPTH=false it would show 8 fps (=unwatchable).

Compiz and Unity used to have issues with 16bpp, but those have been
fixed years ago.
I wouldn't want to default to half the possible speed just for moneyplex
or whatever other broken program may be out there.
Bug reports should be filed against them instead.
Thousands of schools here don't have any issues at all with 16 bpp.

On the other hand, I've seen cases (like some nouveau clients) that had
the opposite problem, i.e. they worked with 16 bpp but not with 24 bpp,
but anyway bug reports should be filed there as well.

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