Frank Heuser
2016-05-20 13:00:26 UTC
I just installed xubuntu 16.04 in virtualbox
(xubuntu-16.04-desktop-amd64.iso) .
Installed the package
configured DHCP and DNS and made a
sudo ltsp-build-client --arch i386
and booted a thin client.
I ran in to this issue:
and fixed it by using this hint of Alkis:
I think that if we change "<allow_inactive>auth_self</allow_inactive>"
to "<allow_inactive>yes</allow_inactive>",
we'll have a temporary workaround to the problem.
The file is /usr/share/polkit-1/actions/org.freedesktop.accounts.policy
(Thank you very much to Alkis!)
I just want to report a second issue:
There are entries missing in whisker-menue.
(If I log in into the server directly as same user, the entries are
The missing entries are:
Settings (Einstellungen):
Display (Anzeige)
Workspaces (Arbeitsflächen)
Accessibility (Barrierefreiheit)
Notifications (Benachrichtigungen)
Preferred Applications (Bevorzugte Anwendungen)
Bluetooth Adapters (Bluetoothadapter)
Orage preferences (Einstellungen für Orage)
Settings Editor (Einstellungsbearbeitung)
Appearance (Erscheinungsbild)
Window Manager Tweaks (Feineinstellungen der Fensterverwaltung)
Window Manager(Fensterverwaltung)
Panel (Leiste)
Mouse and Touchpad (Maus und Touchpad)
Desktop (Schreibtisch)
Session and Startup (Sitzung und Startverhalten)
Xfce Panel Switch (Xfce-Leistenschalter)
Accessories (Zubehör):
File Manager (Dateiverwaltung)
Notes (Notizen)
Terminal Emulator (Terminal)
Using MenuLibre doesn't really help, because the changes are made only
for the current user
And the usage is confusing, because you don't see, why the entry doesn't
show up before making the changes in MenuLibre.
The corresponding .desktop-files are stored in /usr/share/applications.
If I comment e.g. in exo-file-manager.desktop this line
the File Manager appeares immediately .
Is there an easier way to recover the entries? I think, it has to do
with LDM or so not reporting correctly "XFCE" started.
Best Regards
Frank Heuser
I just installed xubuntu 16.04 in virtualbox
(xubuntu-16.04-desktop-amd64.iso) .
Installed the package
configured DHCP and DNS and made a
sudo ltsp-build-client --arch i386
and booted a thin client.
I ran in to this issue:
and fixed it by using this hint of Alkis:
I think that if we change "<allow_inactive>auth_self</allow_inactive>"
to "<allow_inactive>yes</allow_inactive>",
we'll have a temporary workaround to the problem.
The file is /usr/share/polkit-1/actions/org.freedesktop.accounts.policy
(Thank you very much to Alkis!)
I just want to report a second issue:
There are entries missing in whisker-menue.
(If I log in into the server directly as same user, the entries are
The missing entries are:
Settings (Einstellungen):
Display (Anzeige)
Workspaces (Arbeitsflächen)
Accessibility (Barrierefreiheit)
Notifications (Benachrichtigungen)
Preferred Applications (Bevorzugte Anwendungen)
Bluetooth Adapters (Bluetoothadapter)
Orage preferences (Einstellungen für Orage)
Settings Editor (Einstellungsbearbeitung)
Appearance (Erscheinungsbild)
Window Manager Tweaks (Feineinstellungen der Fensterverwaltung)
Window Manager(Fensterverwaltung)
Panel (Leiste)
Mouse and Touchpad (Maus und Touchpad)
Desktop (Schreibtisch)
Session and Startup (Sitzung und Startverhalten)
Xfce Panel Switch (Xfce-Leistenschalter)
Accessories (Zubehör):
File Manager (Dateiverwaltung)
Notes (Notizen)
Terminal Emulator (Terminal)
Using MenuLibre doesn't really help, because the changes are made only
for the current user
And the usage is confusing, because you don't see, why the entry doesn't
show up before making the changes in MenuLibre.
The corresponding .desktop-files are stored in /usr/share/applications.
If I comment e.g. in exo-file-manager.desktop this line
the File Manager appeares immediately .
Is there an easier way to recover the entries? I think, it has to do
with LDM or so not reporting correctly "XFCE" started.
Best Regards
Frank Heuser
Wilfried Schmidt Maschinenbau Tel. (+49) 7071 38870
Aixer Strasse 44 Fax. (+49) 7071 38876
D-72072 Tuebingen email ***
Wilfried Schmidt Maschinenbau Tel. (+49) 7071 38870
Aixer Strasse 44 Fax. (+49) 7071 38876
D-72072 Tuebingen email ***