Post by David Groos1) output of command at:
2) I forgot to mention that I've tried rebooting (and did again) and it
has made no difference. Also, forgot to mention in problem description
that updating the image did work 1 time a few days ago. Also didn't
mention that 1-2 weeks ago i accepted the suggestion to update the HWE
(at login now says, "Your Hardware Enablement Stack (HWE) is supported
until April 2019"). It changed my kernal from 3.xx to 4.4.0-38-generic
and this problem started after that. Also, I'm having an xorg problem
with my login screen showing on a dual monitor setup, partly solved it a
week ago by removing MATE...
-- Running htop in another terminal window while above command was
hanging produced output shown here: .
Seems strange that userdel was running. As I watched, about every 15
seconds or so it showed a different local user.
awk -F: '$3>=500 && $3<=60000 { print $1; }' /etc/passwd |
while read user; do
echo "$user"
If you run the above snippet on the server, it will list the local users
that /usr/share/ltsp/cleanup.d/51-remove-users *removes* so that they
don't show up in the chroot.
(51-remove-users has a "userdel" instead of the "echo" in the script)
But of course it only removes them in a temporary overlay of the file
system, i.e. they are never really deleted from the server.
It appears that this takes a very long time in your case.
The cause of the delay may be that you have a lot of local users, or
that you're using ldap and userdel takes 15 seconds to update it instead
of 15 msec. Or both of those issues.
Let's see:
1) How many user accounts does that script above show?
2) Also, measure the time of one deletion:
sudo time userdel some-user-you-can-delete
3) It might also be an issue with overlayfs, if userdel doesn't take a
lot of time in the real system.
Can you try it with the older kernel, or did you delete it?
(overlayfs is a kernel module for the temporary file system)