[Ltsp-discuss] Epoptes command via ssh?
David Groos
2017-04-13 18:55:35 UTC
I often ssh into a remote server to update it and the client image.
Afterwards I want to reboot the server. If I reboot the server with clients
running they get 'detached' from the server and need to be rebooted
themselves, a hassle for the teacher of that classroom.

It would require much less communication/coordination if I could just issue
a command via ssh to shutdown all detected clients after the

Does such a thing exist and if so, what would that command be?

Alkis Georgopoulos
2017-04-14 06:00:03 UTC
Post by David Groos
I often ssh into a remote server to update it and the client image.
Afterwards I want to reboot the server. If I reboot the server with
clients running they get 'detached' from the server and need to be
rebooted themselves, a hassle for the teacher of that classroom.
It would require much less communication/coordination if I could just
issue a command via ssh to shutdown all detected clients after the
Does such a thing exist and if so, what would that command be?
There's a request to implement this in epoptes which is stalled due to
lack of funding:

And of course you could run the epoptes GUI over ssh -X.
Or run sshd on the clients.
Simon Baev
2017-04-16 01:53:23 UTC

I include the following entry into [default] profile in lts.conf

CRONTAB_02 = "* * * * * root /sbin/nbd-client -c /dev/nbd0 > /dev/null 2>&1
|| echo o > /proc/sysrq-trigger"

It periodically checks presence of the mounted nbd device (that breaks upon
restart or shutdown of the server) and runs low-level shutdown of the thin
client. You could use "b" in place of "o" to reboot it (more options can be
found at https://www.centos.org/docs/5/html/5.1/Deployment_Guide/s3-


I often ssh into a remote server to update it and the client image.
Post by David Groos
Afterwards I want to reboot the server. If I reboot the server with clients
running they get 'detached' from the server and need to be rebooted
themselves, a hassle for the teacher of that classroom.
It would require much less communication/coordination if I could just issue
a command via ssh to shutdown all detected clients after the
Does such a thing exist and if so, what would that command be?
David Groos
2017-05-06 16:52:19 UTC
Xscratch that!

Guess I've twice left off the -X when sshing into that server! Thanks

Post by David Groos
I often ssh into a remote server to update it and the client image.
Afterwards I want to reboot the server. If I reboot the server with clients
running they get 'detached' from the server and need to be rebooted
themselves, a hassle for the teacher of that classroom.
It would require much less communication/coordination if I could just
issue a command via ssh to shutdown all detected clients after the
Does such a thing exist and if so, what would that command be?