[Ltsp-discuss] Firefox or Chrome?
Joseph Bishay
2015-01-05 18:06:01 UTC
Good day everyone,

A very happy new year to you all!

I'm running LTSP on Ubuntu (Edubuntu 14.04) and from a resources and
user-experience point-of-view, which is a lighter load on the server?
Firefox or Chrome?

Thank you
Patrick Walters
2015-01-05 18:20:36 UTC
We have both installed, but Firefox seems a bit quicker / less resource
Post by Joseph Bishay
Good day everyone,
A very happy new year to you all!
I'm running LTSP on Ubuntu (Edubuntu 14.04) and from a resources and
user-experience point-of-view, which is a lighter load on the server?
Firefox or Chrome?
Thank you
Patrick Walters
Gateway Lab School
*Technology Coordinator*
Xavier Brochard
2015-01-05 19:39:02 UTC
Here, Firefox use less ram than Chrome on client.
And its Javascript engine is lighter on the server.
Xavier Brochard
Post by Joseph Bishay
Good day everyone,
A very happy new year to you all!
I'm running LTSP on Ubuntu (Edubuntu 14.04) and from a resources and
user-experience point-of-view, which is a lighter load on the server?
Firefox or Chrome?
Thank you
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John Hupp
2015-01-05 20:42:36 UTC
Post by Joseph Bishay
Good day everyone,
A very happy new year to you all!
I'm running LTSP on Ubuntu (Edubuntu 14.04) and from a resources and
user-experience point-of-view, which is a lighter load on the server?
Firefox or Chrome?
Thank you
From an LTSP perspective, with thin clients Firefox is better. Chrome
renders screens differently, and the net result is that things like
scrolling are sluggish on clients.

For my purposes, Chrome also suffers from more bugs:

But someone did make a good point about Firefox memory leakage issues.

In any case, I install both because sometimes certain web pages do
better with one browser than another. I'm also hoping to use Chrome
Remote Desktop (Remote Assistance) on the servers if the developers fix
this show-stopper bug:

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Vinícius Ferrão
2015-01-05 20:46:43 UTC

From: Joseph Bishay [mailto:***@gmail.com]
Sent: Monday, January 5, 2015 4:06 PM
To: ltsp-discuss; Edubuntu Users Group
Subject: [Ltsp-discuss] Firefox or Chrome?

Good day everyone,

A very happy new year to you all!

I'm running LTSP on Ubuntu (Edubuntu 14.04) and from a resources and user-experience point-of-view, which is a lighter load on the server? Firefox or Chrome?
Thank you
Joseph Bishay
2015-01-06 18:55:43 UTC
Hello everyone,

So it seems the majority say go with Firefox, while a few bring up some
good points for Chrome.

I do have both installed on the LTSP server for the school to use, but I
suppose my question was which should be the default and/or encouraged so as
to manage the load on the server.

One reason I like Firefox is because I can get global preferences (as shown
here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuLTSP/FirefoxOptimize ) to help
manage things. I haven't seen such options for Chrome, which is another
vote in that direction.

One detraction from Firefox is that Flash seems to be on its dying breath
in Firefox, but Chrome has a new implementation called Pepper (or something
like that) which is actively being supported. A huge number of educational
websites still use flash, so I feel that is a big knock against Firefox --
every time the teachers load a flash-based website I'd see huge spikes in
server load.

Did you experience something similar or are there other factors I've not

Thank you
Chrome. I stopped using Firefox all the way around because it will
continually suck up memory as long as it's open until all memory is gone,
and users would leave their browsers open indefinitely in the office
environment I use LTSP in. Chrome is not only faster, but does better
memory management when left open. I use it exclusively now for everything
and can leave it open for MONTHS on my home machine without issue.
Post by Joseph Bishay
Good day everyone,
A very happy new year to you all!
I'm running LTSP on Ubuntu (Edubuntu 14.04) and from a resources and
user-experience point-of-view, which is a lighter load on the server?
Firefox or Chrome?
Thank you
edubuntu-users mailing list
Wes Krasko
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Rolf-Werner Eilert
2015-01-07 07:40:56 UTC
When flash isn't supported by Firefox anymore, how could the flash-based
websites be shown? I even know some professional sites which are heavily
flash-based, Firefox would become senseless for users if it couldn't
show these sites.
Post by Joseph Bishay
One detraction from Firefox is that Flash seems to be on its dying
breath in Firefox, but Chrome has a new implementation called Pepper (or
something like that) which is actively being supported. A huge number
of educational websites still use flash, so I feel that is a big knock
against Firefox -- every time the teachers load a flash-based website
I'd see huge spikes in server load.
100 % agree - we use such sites in our school, too. And I do see these
spikes. No, they aren't spikes but long-lasting loads with "top" showing
that it's this plugin thing that takes about 30 % load for each browser.
Post by Joseph Bishay
Chrome. I stopped using Firefox all the way around because it will
continually suck up memory as long as it's open until all memory is
gone, and users would leave their browsers open indefinitely in the
office environment I use LTSP in. Chrome is not only faster, but
does better memory management when left open. I use it exclusively
now for everything and can leave it open for MONTHS on my home
machine without issue.
We all log out here when we're done, teachers and students several times
a day. So the memory accumulation problem doesn't arrive. What does
occur is that some teachers tend to leave huge browser sessions with
many tabs open so Firefox has to restart all that stuff each time the
teacher logs in again. The result are big peaks, but it's for, say, 10
seconds or so...


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Xavier Brochard
2015-01-07 18:49:08 UTC
Post by Joseph Bishay
So it seems the majority say go with Firefox, while a few bring up some
One detraction from Firefox is that Flash seems to be on its dying breath
in Firefox, but Chrome has a new implementation called Pepper (or something
like that) which is actively being supported. A huge number of educational
websites still use flash, so I feel that is a big knock against Firefox --
every time the teachers load a flash-based website I'd see huge spikes in
server load.
You should install the "video without flash" extension and / or install
Pipelight is a special browser plugin which allows one to use windows
only plugins inside Linux browsers. Currently focusing on Silverlight,
Flash, Shockwave and the Unity Webplayer.
Pipelight works also with Midori.



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Gian Carlo Stagni
2015-01-16 22:42:16 UTC
please forgive duplicate sending...
Post by Joseph Bishay
One reason I like Firefox is because I can get global preferences (as
shown here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuLTSP/FirefoxOptimize
) to help manage things. I haven't seen such options for Chrome, which
is another vote in that direction.
I have just found this (quite hidden, I believe)...
-> http://www.chromium.org/administrators


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Great Avenger Singh
2015-01-07 03:11:03 UTC
Post by Joseph Bishay
Good day everyone,
A very happy new year to you all!
I'm running LTSP on Ubuntu (Edubuntu 14.04) and from a resources and
user-experience point-of-view, which is a lighter load on the server?
Firefox or Chrome?
Midori->alternative for Firefox
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